BIT Secure

Safety and security of personal belongings such as luggage, purses containing valuables etc. is a big task for travellers. They have to be very alert while staying at places, hotels which lack extra security. This really reduces the joy of their vacation.. A security gadget which would alarm the owner about any attempt of theft of belongings or unwanted intrusion in his vicinity would be a great help.

Considering this need a gadget nicknamed “BIT SECURE” will be designed and developed in Lab. It will be a tiny matchbox size gadget which can be attached to luggage, laptop, costly personal belongings or even door of hotel room and it will detect any unwanted movement and alert the owner by either flashing the lights and a buzzer and send a SMS too to owner’s Smartphone.

  • The GSM/WiFi mode in the gadget will alert the owner through his Smartphone when someone moves BIT SECURE even if he is in any corner of the world.
  • When operated on Bluetooth mode It will intimate the owner if the distance between him and the gadget is more than the specified limit. This will reduce the chances of owner forgetting his belongings somewhere.
  • The flash light and the buzzer inside will be set off if someone tries to move the object attached with BIT SECURE e.g. luggage or even hotel door. This will lead to safety of both the owner and the luggage.

So there will be infinite uses of BIT SECURE. Apart from protecting the luggage “BIT Secure” can also give peace of mind when one is inside a hotel room but worried about anyone entering the room with duplicate keys. “BIT Secure” can be attached to Hotel door from inside. Whenever intruders will try to open the door the alarm will set off to make one alert.

Bit Secure will also alert one about any valuables he has left or forgotten to carry. It will give alert on smart phone about the missing item.