Request Access

Let us help you to make your dream project come true!

How it works

Even if your project is not a part of Sandbox, you can still submit a request proposal to use some of the Sandbox facilities inoder to to see your project to completion! Here's how it works:

  1. Submit your access request via the form below.
  2. Our student and the faculty committee would go over it and review it.
  3. If they deem it okay, you get sandbox access for a specified time period, details of which would be sent to you via mail.

Before applying, the following points must be kept in mind:

  1. The size of the team must not be more than 5 people.
  2. Make sure to go through the terms and conditions before applying.
  3. This facility is only open to students studying in BITS-Pilani, Goa Campus. If you are a student of another college, please mail us for more information.

While uploading you file for project proposal, it should mention the following points:

  1. Detailed description of what is your project, how it works and how it would be useful.
  2. If more than one members are applying, mention their name, thier BITS emai address, their brach and the year of study.
  3. Explain why do you require Sandbox access for the completion of your project. Mention the list of equipments you would require to see through your project.
  4. Mention the timeline of your project as well.
  5. The file should be uploaded in PDF format

The project you've been working on is just one form close to becoming a reality!

Please add a valid email address
The description should be minimum 200 words.
Please select a valid number

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